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Area produttiva Mesel con uffici e spazi per lavorazioni industriali

Who we are

Producing was the mission of the 80s.

The ideal thrust of Adriano Olivetti was the Mesel background; the first customer was Olivetti himself, we produced prototypes for ink jet printers and electronic components.

We did details for the labs that controlled the computers.


Innovating was the mission of the 90s.

The design production of the mechanical parts required consultancy on the feasibility and optimization of production; we develop the project with our customers by finalizing the working drawings.

Reinventing the market and products is the goal of the new millennium.

We are able to significantly reduce the production times.
Consulting and engineering are now priorities to obtain the best products, at the lowest price and in a short time.

2020 seemed like a date imagined in science fiction stories.

Today we offer technological solutions, precision mechanics mainly in high-performance steels, for the food (Beverage, Packaging), medical, hydraulic, mechatronic and advanced automotive sector.

We are Mesel,

the company that believes in small and medium-sized productions and that's why quality is everywhere, even in the air.
And we are also competitive: ask us for 100 and one pieces and the price will also be a reason to choose Mesel.

Those who did it are still Mesel customers since 1984.

Componente meccanico di precisione per applicazioni industriali
Giunto meccanico filettato ad alta affidabilità per applicazioni tecniche
Blocco meccanico in alluminio lavorato con tecnologia CNC

Mesel di Ziano Nicola & C. s.a.s. | Via Ex Internati 14/16 Regione Ferriana 10080 Salassa (TO) | | Tel. 0124.360037
P. IVA 06561650018

©2025 by Mesel. Website by Enter S.r.l.

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